
From:  " [big5] kimyu chung" <ckimyu@yahoo.com.hk>
To:  info@chinamyopia.org
Date:  01 Jun 2003, 07:12:49 PM
Subject:  Full support your theory in preventing the deterioration of shortsightedness

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Dear Mr Leung,
I want to know where is your shop, then I can have a better postitive lens glasses from your shop.
After reading your newly published book" 你戴錯眼鏡啦”﹐  I strongly support the ideas and theory inside your book. Actually, I am a physics teacher now, and I began to use your theory to wear glasses starting from F4, my shortsightedness is about -225 now after finished my university degree. If I can know earlier to use the positive convex lens, probably I don't need to wear a negative glasses now.
Best Regards,


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